Our Team

Our Team

Sunday, August 31, 2008

Blog? Who me?

Who ever thought I would start a blog? I've got 6 kids that I never have enough time for, why would I start another new project? Well, for one thing, I've been keeping a journal from the time I was 8 years old, however, I have hardly had time to keep it up, and it is NEVER shared, even when I think I have something important to say. I guess I'm thinking that if I have a blog, I can help my extended family keep up with what's going on in the lives of my busy children, husband and myself as well as for me to personally keep track of the time that seems to slip so quickly by. My grammar and spelling are probably not going to be very good, though I noticed there is a spell check, hmmmm. For those of you who take the time to read this I hope you will feel more connected with my family as I report on the events of our life and the thoughts I have to go with them. Thanks for visiting this site.


twoplustwins said...

I am so glad you have a blog! It is wonderful to have a way to keep up with what is happening with you guys. We have a blog that Nigel mostly manages but I sometimes add to it...
I hope things are well in Boise. It is beautiful here in NY but I am sure you know that already!

USA Emergency Supply said...

I love blogs! What a great idea. I have heard of lots of people keeping blogs as a "family journal," so good idea! That is really impressive that you have kept a journal since you were 8!!!! Wow! I still struggle with mine, although I do have to tell you that your advice to me when Neal was born to keep a journal for him, has been some of the best advice that I have gotten. I love doing it. since my life is him, then it is a journal for me too, although I do put my stuff in another journal. Anyway, I am not very good at looking on people's blogs often, but I will try to come now and again. Thanks so much for sharing. And BTW: I never got around to thanking you, but we had so much fun with you guys in Boise! Neal still talks about it many times each day. Thank you for letting us bombard your life for a week!


lroberts said...

Thanks for the great blog. I really love the family pictures and the update on your summer activities. Really enjoyed being with all of you for Greg's baptism and special birthday. I am looking forward to your letter. Love from Mom Roberts