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Our Team

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Christmas Letter Debate

For many years now our family has sent a traditional family Christmas letter updating all our friends and family with news from the past year.  Now that we have Facebook, texting and other fast communication available I've found that fewer and fewer people write these letters or even mail cards anymore. I've been debating with myself about writing this year's annual letter.  On one hand, I really enjoy having a written record of what our family has been involved from year to year.  On the other hand, I don't even know how many people read the letters and if it is worth the cost of paper and postage to mail them all out. So I've decided to compromise this year.  I will still write our annual family letter, but instead of mailing it to everyone, I'll post it on my blog and let everyone know it is there. This way, if they really want to read up on how our family is doing, they can just go check out my blog.  If they don't really care, or if they already know what's going on because they follow me on Facebook, then they don't have to feel obligated to read it or guilty about throwing it away, and of course, it will save me on the cost of all that postage. (I'm such a cheapwad, oh well, that's just who I am, take it or leave it!) So over the next week, I plan to get on the computer in my free time and write that annual letter.  I'll let you know when it's finished so you can all read my wonderful take on our family's adventures this year.  They have been bountiful, so you may just want to read it! Cheers!

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